My Hair
28 Mar, 2023
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
1 min.
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Hello good morning, please keep me anonymous and post this for me.


I'm a nice hardworking lady. I've been in couple of relationships not much though, but in all the relationships, its either I'm being taken for granted or am told to stay if I want .

Because I always care much for my guy so in the end I'll feel like I deserve better since I give my all to the relationship, most especially, I invest more money into my relationship.


I don't demand money from my guy, but I give them money when they don't have. I will perform all wifey duties and that makes me feel I deserve better, so I always end up breaking relationships that have lasted for 2, 3years  thinking I will meet the better person,


But it's been ages and the worsen part is all my exes are in my inbox for marriage. Even as I'm writing this, I have 3 of them who want to marry me but I have said to myself they are just in to finish what they couldn't do because I left them unaware.


I'm now dating someone I'm 8years older than but he's very matured and he's like the better person I'm in search of.


Now my problem is; why would guys treat women like myself badly until we're tired before they realize what they are loosing?


Are my expectations too high that's why I always feel I deserve better?


Am I too desperate to date someone I'm that older than?


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