Primera relacion
28 Mar, 2023
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
1 min.
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Please in my first relationship, I started dating this girl from, I took care of her and she completed SHS, and now nursing training.


The first first time I had intercourse with her, she said my manhood is too small for her, so she can't continue with me. The same applies to my second girlfriend, she's also saying my manhood is too small and now my third girlfriend is also divorcing me because of this same issue.


Please what should I do so that I can get big manhood?


From a female follower:


Hello good afternoon.

Please post for me and hide my identity.


My sister's husband slept with me claiming he's breaking curses around me - he's a herbalist and a seer .

He even showed me some of the ladies he has slept with while breaking curses around them.


I want to tell my sis about it, but I know my sis loves him a lot so am afraid that they will break up.


Please is it advisable to inform her?


Hi Please I need help for my friend.


No matter how he will brush his teeth, it will still smell. Is there any medicine that will cure that?




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