I've been in a relationship
28 Mar, 2023
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
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I've been in a relationship with a guy who gives me nothing for 5 months now.. I always try to help him out whenever he's in need but just once in a while if I'm not able to help him out, he makes me feel like it's my responsibility to always help him out. .

sometimes he'll be upset and be raising his voice at me when it doesn't call for it sef.. I always make it slide and be cool like what he did really didn't get to me at all but deep down it hurts me a lot..


I have my own needs that I'm saving up some money to take care of but he haven't bored to help me with 1ps sef but he always comes up with something that will make me give him part of the money or everything then I'll start all over again saving up.. I'm really getting fed up with this relationship and wishes to end things with him but I'm afraid I may be making a mistake at the end..


I've walked out of many relationships for the same reason or another so I don't want to do anything in rush then regret later.. besides this side of him, he makes me happy, gets time for me, give me attention and care about me too so I don't know what to do now.. dear readers please help me out cuz this is really eating me up and I can't even think straight..


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