Unidad 2 ingles
24 Nov, 2022
Tiempo de lectura aprox. :
2 min.
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A Infer information. Read about a housework study. 

Then answer the questions with a partner.

1 .

Who does more housework?

2. In some countries, men and women share the chores 50/50. 

What does that mean?

3. Where do men and women share the chores 50/50?

B Listen for opinions. Match each opinion with a person: 

Paul (P), Junko (J) or Mario (M). One opinion is extra. CD 2 Track 15

1. A husband and wife should share the housework. 

2. Marriage changes people. 

3. Women are good at housework. Men aren’t. 

4. Women stay at home more. The housework is their job. 

C Listen for details. Read the information in the chart. Then listen 

and check (✓) the correct answer(s) for each person. CD 2 Track 15

is married has a job shares the housework 50/50




D Pronunciation: Sentence stress. Read the 

sentences. Then listen and repeat. CD 2 Track 16

Married men do thirty percent of the housework.

Women do seventy percent.

E Pronunciation: Sentence stress. Listen 

and underline the stressed word in each 

sentence. CD 2 Track 17

1. A husband and wife should share the housework.

2. Marriage changes people.

3. I’m calling about the housework study.

4. It’s important to share the housework.

5. What do you think?

F Which of the opinions in E (1, 2, or 4) do you 

agree with? Why? Discuss with a partner. Do you know 

anyone like Paul, Junko, or Mario?

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